
Sunday Worship -- 10:30am
Live-streamed on [email protected]

Worship is the centerpiece of all our work. We gather on Sunday mornings and on special days during the church year to come before God offering our prayers and our praise together. God sends us out at the end of each worship service strengthened to carry out our calling as Christians in our day-to-day lives.

Chancel Choir: Open to all adults and older youth who enjoy singing. Choir meets weekly for rehearsal and sings during Sunday morning worship September-May.
Bell Choir: Worship is enhanced by the music of the bell choir. Open to all -- no musical background required.
Sonshine Singers: An enriching experience for children (pre-K through 5th grade). Weekly meetings include games, lessons, and singing. The Sonshine Singers sing in church monthly.
Intergenerational Worship: Children, youth, and adults are encouraged to participate in worship leadership. In addition to the above choirs, children may serve as acolytes, and adults and older youth may serve as readers.
Sacraments: The sacrament of the Lord's Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and on special days within the church year. The sacrament of Baptism takes place during Sunday morning worship and is scheduled with the pastor and the session.
Homebound Communion: The sacrament of the Lord's Supper is taken once a month to those who are homebound and unable to attend worship.
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